New Delhi, India (BBN)-The benchmark BSE Sensex tumbled 210 points and the NSE Nifty dipped below the 7,8000-mark in early trade on Monday across-the-board selling by investors, tracking heavy losses in Japan as a surging yen hit exporters.
The 30-share index fell by 209.74 points or 0.82 per cent to 25,396.88 with sectoral indices led by power, realty, banking, IT, technology, auto and capital goods in deep red, reports the PTI.
The gauge had gained a marginal 3.52 points on Friday.
On similar lines, the National Stock Exchange index Nifty slipped below the 7,800-mark by falling 56.70 points or 0.72 per cent to 7,793.10.
Brokers said sentiment dampened here following a 3.62 per cent plunge in Tokyo equities, as a sharp rise in yen hit exporters, leading to a sell-off across Asia in holiday- thinned trade and on global economy worries—fuelled -sharp losses in Wall Street and Europe on Friday.
Besides, a cautious approach adopted by investors ahead of quarterly earnings from more blue-chips including HDFC Ltd and Hero MotoCorp, too influenced sentiment, they added.
Meanwhile, markets in China, Hong Kong, Malaysia and Singapore were closed today for public holidays.