4 to die for killing Bangladeshi minor boy

Footage of child being beaten to death in Bangladesh goes viral on internet

Last updated: July 13, 2015

Dhaka, Bangladesh (BBN)-A 28-minute footage of a 13-year-old boy inhumanly tortured to death in Sylhet has gone viral on the internet.
It was confirmed from conversations in the shocking 28-minute footage that one of his assailants filmed the video, reports the Daily Pakistan.
The video shows the boy tied up to a pole of a shop at Kumargaon Bus Station.
Two people can be seen, but voices of at least three to four people can be heard.
One of the men is seen beating Rajan, asking him to tell his name, admit that he stole the van and tell who else were involved.
In the footage, the boy is seen being beaten with a stick for almost 16 minutes at a stretch. When Rajan wants some water, the men tell him to drink his own sweat.
Rajan screams while his tormentors burst into laughter and swear at him in the 28-minute clip.
His left hand and right leg are wrung and the head, stomach and nails hit with the stick.
At one stage, the men walk Rajan with his hands untied. “His bones are apparently intact, beat him more…” one of them is heard saying.
Then, he is tied once again to the pole and thrashed. Rajan asks them to hand him over to police, when one of them replied: “I am the police.”
A voice asks the man who was filming the torture whether it was being captured properly.
“I have posted it in Facebook. The whole world will see it now…” replied the man on the camera.
Towards the end of the video, a voice is heard asking the others what else needs to be done.
Another voice replies, “Let go of him after doing what Mama (uncle) told us to do.”
It’s not clear who the voice was referring to as uncle.
Local police said they had heard of the footage and that they spoke with some people who saw it.
Samiul Alam Rajan was beaten to death on July 8 on allegations of stealing a rickshaw van at Kumargaon of Sylhet Sadar Upazila.
Rajan was a vegetable vendor while his father Sheikh Azizur Rahman is a driver.
Locals caught one Muhith Alam, 22, while he was taking the body to dump in a microbus and turned him over to police on Jul 8.

Police have filed a case against four, including Alam, over the murder.


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