New Delhi, India (BBN)-Indian market benchmark BSE Sensex Monday reclaimed the 25,000-level by surging over 131 points in early trade, extending weekend’s gains on fresh foreign capital inflows amid a mixed trend at other Asian bourses.
The 30- share index rallied by 131.63 points, or 0.52 per cent, to 25,002.32, with capital goods, healthcare, IT, consumer durables, realty and auto sector stocks leading the rise, reports the PTI.
The gauge had gained 401.12 points in the previous session.
The broader NSE Nifty also moved up 28.80 points, or 0.38 per cent, to 7,592.35.
Brokers said revival of buying by foreign investors and widening of positions by investors, mainly influenced the trading sentiment.
Besides, mixed third quarterly earnings and a mixed trend at other Asian bourses supported the rise in the domestic markets.
Bucking the trend, auto sector stocks such as Hero MotoCorp and Maruti Suzuki were trading in the negative zone ahead of the monthly sales data.
In the Asian region, Japan’s Nikkei moved up 1.80 per cent while Hong Kong’s Hang Seng index slipped 0.61 per cent in early trade today.
Shanghai Composite index was down 1.71 per cent after Chinese manufacturing activity fell to its lowest level in three years last month.
The US Dow Jones Industrial Average ended 2.47 per cent lower in Friday’s trade.