BBC signs deal with DIU to promote English

Last updated: March 23, 2012
Dhaka, Bangladesh (BBN)- The Daffodil International University (DIU) and BBC Media Action has signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) to promote English at community levels.
The DIU and BBC will run 50 English language clubs in community level where the students of the private university will play the key role as club leaders, a press statement said.
Ms. Catherine McCarthy, Head of Project (English in Action) BBC Media Action, Bangladesh and Dr. Md. Fokhray Hossain, Registrar, Daffodil International University, signed the MOU on behalf of their respective organizations recently.
The BBC will produce and supply necessary materials including books, audio-visual equipment and trainings for trainers (ToT) to make the program a success.
Dr. Binoy Borman, Head, Department of English, Sayed Mizanur Rahman, Coordinator, Career Development Center, DIU, Anowar Habib Kazal, Asst. Director (Public Relations), DIU, Ms. Sheemtana Shameem, Project Assistant (English in Action) BBC Media Action, Bangladesh, Ahmed Shamim Ansary, Sr. Administrative Officer, DIU were also present at the signing ceremony. 
BBN/SSR/AD-23Mar12-11:59 pm (BST) 
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