Mumbai, India (BBN) - Indian Tata Motors on Thursday announced its 'World Truck' range, developed in collaboration with Tata Daewoo Commercial Vehicles of South Korea and European technical centre.
"The developing infrastructure in India makes it possible for transporters to reap the benefit of trucks with higher power, speed and carrying capacity. The new range from Tata Motors will meet those needs, Chairman of Tata Motors Ratan Tata said in a statement.
He also added: "It will also help us penetrate international markets more effectively and competitively."
The range includes multi-axle trucks, tractor-trailers, tippers, mixers, and special application vehicles. The 10-75 tons trucks with 150-560 hp are fitted with air-conditioned cabins, according to reports.
The company plans to launch of these trucks commercially in India is scheduled during July-September. The trucks will also be exported to South Africa, the Middle East and countries in South Asia by March, 2010.
BBN/SS/SI/AD-29May09-3:18 am (BST)