Apparel workers demand festival allowance by November 10

Last updated: November 7, 2010

Dhaka, Bangladesh (BBN) - Garment Workers’ Trade Union Centre has called on apparel factory owners to pay the festival allowance for Eid equal to a month’s salary in the new wage structure and other dues by November 10 this year.

Leaders of the trade union centre said on Saturday that the Eid-ul-Azha would be celebrated after about 10 days but the timely payment of festival allowance of the garment workers was still uncertain.

The government announced the new wage structure for apparel workers in July and it is supposed to be implemented from November.

The labor leaders alleged that in some factories the owners proposed to give for each worker BDT 500 to BDT 700 in festival allowance.

On the other hand, the National Garment Workers Federation formed a human chain in front of the National Press Club in the capital Dhaka demanding implementation of the new wage structure.

BBN/SSR/SI-07Nov10-1:29 pm (BST) 

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