Bangladesh market opens stable, stocks up slightly

Last updated: April 16, 2014

Dhaka, Bangladesh (BBN)- Both money and foreign exchange markets remain almost stable while the stocks gain slightly during early trading on Wednesday.

The call rate ranged between 5.0 per cent and 8.25 per cent on the day unchanged from the previous level, market operators said.

The volume of transaction dropped to BDT68.90 billion on Tuesday from BDT 67.22 billion of the previous level, according to the central bank statistics.

On the other hand, the banks quoted the dollar signal rate at BDT 77.67 on the day unchanged from the previous level.

Both Dhaka Stock Exchange (DSE) and Chittagong Stock Exchange (CSE) witnessed positive trend in early hours of trading on the day.
                                                                     Daily Indicators
                                                       Tuesday                  Previous
Inter-bank US$-BDT rate                  77.67                        77.67
Inter-bank call money rate                5.00 - 8.25                  5.00 - 8.25
Call turnover (in billion)                     67.22                          67. 22
DIBOR                                                   7.2404                          7.3398
Special REPO (in billion)                  0.50                              0.50
ALS (in billion)                                      8.75                             6.96
Forex reserve (in billion)                   $20.05                        $20.03

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BBN/SSR/AD-16Apr14-12:32 pm (BST)

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