Bangladesh seeks engagement of non-OIC countries to address refugee issues

Last updated: May 12, 2012
Dhaka, Bangladesh (BBN)- Foreign Minister Dipu Moni has made some concrete proposals at an OIC ministerial meeting in Turkmenistan to address the refugee problems facing by the Muslim countries across the world.
She put forward the proposals at the inaugural session of the two-day OIC ministerial meeting that began in Ashgabat, Turkmenistan on Friday, according to a message received in the capital Dhaka on Saturday.
A high-level Bangladesh delegation, led by the Foreign Minister, is attending the meeting titled ‘Refugees in the Muslim World’.
The meeting is the first of its kind under the aegis of the OIC where UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) is one of the co-organizers. 
The meeting focuses on the overwhelming number of Muslim refugees and those being hosted in the Muslim countries amidst a myriad of the host countries’ domestic challenges. 
The foreign minister underscored the need for international dialogues and engagement with the non-OIC countries, addressing the root causes of protracted refugee situation, strengthening the principle of international burden sharing, especially in protracted refugee situation, and considering the shrinking global space for asylum and a growing trend of asylum fatigue.
She also mentioned that the refugee problem imposes disproportionately heavy burdens on host countries that are mostly developing countries or LDCs like Bangladesh. 
The minister emphasized the importance of engaging the host countries in decision-making and gap analysis relating to refugee protection, saying their financial and associated economic contributions should be accounted for in the ‘official’ discourse on protection. 
While stressing the need for UNHCR to take the lead role in the dialogue, she observed that the OIC can be a political partner in that dialogue.
In her statement, Dipu Moni highlighted the issue of Myanmar refugees being hosted in Bangladesh for the last two decades although Bangladesh is not a party to the 1951 Refugee Convention or the 1967 Protocol.
Many delegations acknowledged and appreciated the points made by the foreign minister in her statement.
BBN/SSR/AD-12May12-11:40 pm (BST) 
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