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Dhaka, Bangladesh (BBN) – The exchange rate of Bangladesh Taka (BDT) remained unchanged against the US currency in inter-bank foreign exchange (forex) market during evening transactions on Sunday.
The US dollar was quoted at maximum BDT 80.59 – BDT 80.60 during the evening trading, same as the previous working level.
In the early transactions today, the American currency was quoted the same.
“The existing stable trend of the Bangladesh currency against the US dollar may continue in the coming days,” a senior treasury official of a leading private commercial bank told the BBN in Dhaka Sunday evening.
The value of the local currency remained the same since Tuesday.
On Monday, Bangladesh currency was quoted at maximum BDT 80.57- BDT 80.59.
On Sunday, the American currency was quoted at maximum BDT 80.57, that means, it remained the same as on last Thursday as Sunday is the weekend in international market.
Bangladesh foreign exchange market remained closed on Friday and Saturday as those were weekend in Bangladesh.