Biswa Ijtema ends with prayer for peace

BISWA IJTEMA: Devotees seek peace at Akheri Munajat

Last updated: February 2, 2014

Dhaka, Bangladesh (BBN) - Thousands of Muslims sought world peace, forgiveness and blessings for mankind and the Muslim Ummah as the second phase of Biswa Ijtema concluded on Sunday through the final supplication, Akheri Munajat.

Noted Islamic scholar Maulana Jubayerul Hassan from Delhi led the 13-minute munajat from 9:58am at the Ijtema, the second largest congregation of the Muslims after the Hajj.

Meanwhile, the Ijtema authorities declared the schedule for next Biswa Ijtema after the Akheri Munajat.

The first phase of Biswa Ijtema will take place from January 9 to January 11 in 2015 while the second phase from January 16 to January 18, according to the schedule.

Devotees of all ages from home and abroad including women converged on the Ijtema venue on the bank of river Turag in Tongi to take part in the Akheri Munajat.

The gathering, some 20 kilometers off the capital, spilled over to the adjacent roads and areas around the venue.

The third and final day of Ijtema began with the sermon of Indian Islamic scholar Maulana Saad around 7:00am.

Traffic on Dhaka-Mymensingh highway and Dhaka-Tongi-Narsingdi-Sylhet highways remain suspended since early today with the sea of people marching towards the bank of the Turag.

Many people took position on the roofs of vehicles and boats and rooftops of residences surrounding the Ijtema ground.

The educational institutions, offices and factories adjacent to the venue have been declared shut for today due to the Akheri Munajat.  

Meanwhile, one Md Abdul Gani, 65, of Tangail district, died on the venue Saturday night, said Ismail Hossain, officer-in-charge of Tongi Police Station.   

But reason behind his death could not be known immediately. With this, nine devotees died at the Ijtema venue since Thursday.
Meanwhile, 10 devotees died of old age complications at the Ijtema venue from Friday till Saturday night.  

Like the previous years, a dowry-free mass wedding ceremony of 50 couples was held on Saturday at the Ijtema ground. Indian scholar Zobayerul Hasan conducted the weddings after the Asr prayers.   The first phase of the Biswa Ijtema concluded on January 26 with the Akheri Munajat (concluding prayers). People from 32 districts attended that.

BBN/SSR/AD-02Feb14-12:36 pm (BST)

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