Kitchen remedies for dark circles

Bye bye rings of sorrow! Kitchen remedies for dark circles

Last updated: October 5, 2015

New Delhi, India (BBN)-More than grey hair strands or wrinkles on the face, it’s dark shadows below the eyes that tend to age your appearance, reports the Hindustan Times.
Before you stock up on some expensive under-eye treatments, try out these quick fixes straight form your kitchen or your garden, and get glowing:
1 Tea bags
Chill two used green or black tea bags in the refrigerator for half an hour.
Place one tea bag over each eye and leave it on for 10 to 15 minutes.
Remove the tea bags and wash your face.
Repeat once or twice daily for a few weeks.
2 Cold compress
Soak a washcloth in cold water or milk.
Put it over your closed eyelids for several minutes.
Wrap a few ice cubes in soft napkin and place it under your eyes for a few ­minutes.
Alternatively, use a bag of frozen peas or a cold spoon.
3 Mint
Grind handful of mint leaves. Add lemon juice to this mint paste. Apply and leave it on for 15 to 20 minutes. Wash it off and repeat twice a day.
4 Buttermilk paste
Mix one-fourth table spoon of turmeric and two tablespoon of buttermilk. Apply this paste on your dark circles. Leave it on for 15-20 minutes. Wash off with lukewarm water.
5 Witch hazel
Soak two cotton pads in witch hazel. Place them on your eyes covering your dark circles for five to eight minutes.

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