Dutch Queen Máxima arrives in Bangladesh

Dutch Queen Máxima arrives in Bangladesh

Last updated: November 16, 2015

Dhaka, Bangladesh (BBN)-Queen Maxima Zorreguieta Cerruti of the Netherlands, arrives in Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh on Monday morning.
Foreign Minister AH Mahmood Ali, Bangladesh Bank governor Dr Atiur Rahman received the queen at the Hazrat Shahjalal International Airport around 8:00am.
A three-day visit, at the invitation of Bangladesh government, is part of Queen Máxima’s global efforts to raise awareness and foster action towards financial inclusion for everyone, according to UNDP press release.
She is also an UN Secretary-General’s Special Advocate for Inclusive Finance for Development (UNSGSA), appointed in 2009.
During her stay in Bangladesh the queen will meet President Abdul Hamid, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, Finance Minister AMA Muhith, Bangladesh Bank Governor Dr Atiur Rahman, as well as other senior officials of the government, development partners, members of the civil society and the private sector.
She will also interact with senior officials of the Bangladesh government, development partners, members of civil society and the private sector.
The visit will focus on “various priorities” including the strengthening of the microfinance sector in Bangladesh, and advancing mobile financial services for financially excluded populations and SMEs.
In this capacity, the UNSGSA advocates for advancing the financial inclusion agenda focusing in particular on financially excluded people and small businesses.
Access to financial services is an important tool to reduce poverty, boost economic development, empower women and achieve other development goals as acknowledged in the recently adopted 2030 sustainable development agenda.

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