Garment brands stall progress in Bangladesh

Last updated: March 15, 2015

Garment brands stall progress in Bangladesh Photo: ITUC
Brussels, Belgium (BBN)-International and European trade union bodies are calling on the European Union to bolster action on workers’ rights and safety in the apparel sector of Bangladesh.
The Bangladesh government has failed to implement vital labour law reforms, and a compensation fund for victims of the Rana Plaza disaster still remains US$ 9 million short of the target, said a press statement of International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC).
The ITUC and ETUC, along with Global Union Federations UNI and IndustriALL and their European regional bodies, have jointly written to the European Commission calling on it to step up action as anti-union repression in Bangladesh increases and multinational companies in the garment sector hold off from contributing to the fund, leaving families of victims destitute.
Sharan Burrow, ITUC General Secretary, said “Europe has considerable influence through its trade ties with Bangladesh, and it needs to put that influence to good use, with Bangladesh and also with European companies.
It also needs to go beyond old and failed corporate-led codes of conduct and monitoring schemes, and recognise that the solutions lie in industrial relations based on ILO standards, such as the landmark Bangladesh Accord on Fire and Building Safety.”
On March 12 yet another factory collapsed, this time of a cement factory under construction, with several killed and many more trapped inside the ruins.
The Global Union Federation for the construction sector, BWI, has made contact with the workers at the worksite to investigate the circumstances of the tragedy.
BBN/SS/AD-15Mar15-10:50am (BST)

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