BB deputy governor SK Sur Chowdhury receives global inclusion award. Photo: BBN
Dhaka, Bangladesh (BBN) - The Jury board of Global Inclusion Awards- 2017 has praised the various types of activities focusing on Global Money Week (GMW) saying that Bangladesh was recognized for quite a diverse range of activities, specifically highlighting their strong focus on youth.
The nine-member judges have expressed their observations at the Global Inclusion Awards-2017 booklet in the name of ‘JUDGES’ THOUGHTS.’ The booklet is available in its website.
The judges found that the quality of activities in Bangladesh was very impressive due to their nature of continuing beyond GMW.
It was also noted that Bangladesh demonstrated the GMW could be used as a platform to further sustainable financial inclusion and education initiatives for a country.
Bangladesh has also organized a Grand Gathering with governmental delegates, bankers, entrepreneurs, schools, and student leaders, which was the official global closing ceremony of GMW2017.
The members of jury board have years of professional experience as practitioners in the areas of finance, child welfare and/or non-profit development through their richly varied backgrounds.
Bangladesh’s GMW celebrations engaged a wide variety of sectors from the governmental, banking, university, school, and civil society, according to the Awards authorities.
Bangladesh has won this award by competing with 19 countries from five regions who were finalists. Award has been bestowed to Bangladesh Bank (BB), the country’s central bank, for its sustainable and innovative financial inclusion and financial education initiatives.
S K Sur Chowdhury, Deputy Governor of BB, receives the Global Inclusion Award 2017 under the category of Global Money Week Award. The 6th Annual Global inclusion Awards Ceremony is held on 3 May 2017 at the Meistersaal in Berlin, Germany. The event is organized by Child & Youth Finance International (CYFI) and the German G-20 presidency/German Federal Ministry for Economic co-operation and Development (BMZ).
Daffodil International University and JobsBD have also been recognized along with the central bank of Bangladesh as lead organizations.
They also recognized the policy supports of Ministry of Education, Office of the Prime Minister A2i, Ministry of Finance, ICT Ministry, Ministry of Labour, different public and private institutions and electronic and print media of Bangladesh.
The Global Inclusion Awards 2017, a CYFI initiative, recognizes and honors those that achieve greatness and demonstrate innovation in financial, social and livelihoods education, financial inclusion, and entrepreneurial support for children and youth at the national, regional and international level.