Dhaka, Bangladesh (BBN) – The price of hilsa skyrocketed on the retail markets in the capital Dhaka over the week ending Friday ahead of Pahela Baishakh, the first day of Bangla New Year.
Traders said a large quantity of hilsa came to the market on the eve of Pahela Baishakh but the demand for the fish was huge as people were taking preparation to celebrate the occasion which falls on April 14.
The price of a hilsa weighing around 900 grams to1 kg increased by BDT 200 a kg and was selling at BDT 1,800-Tk 2,000 a kg on Friday.
A piece of hilsa weighing 1.2 kg to 1.5 kg was selling at BDT 2,300-BDT 2,500 on the day at the Hatirpool kitchen market.
A hilsa weighing around 600 grams to 800 grams was selling at BDT 900 to BDT 1,250 a piece at the Shantinagar kitchen market on Friday whereas it was sold at BDT 600 to BDT 750 a piece last week
The prices of the most of the vegetables remained unchanged on the kitchen markets in the city over the week.
BBN/SSR/AD-13Ap[r13-11:30 am (BST)Â