How Apple made its money this record-breaking quarter

Last updated: February 1, 2015

USA (BBN)- Earlier this week, Apple demolished expectations, announcing it sold 74.5 million iPhones this holiday quarter — October to December of 2014.
That's up 46% compared to the year prior,reports The Times of India.
Last month we put together a visualization of where Apple made their money over the past fiscal year.
In light of Apple's crushing earnings in Q1, we have created a new graphic that breaks down Apple's revenue for this historic quarter.
As you can see, though iPad sales are down 17%, iPhones are up 46% and make up a tremendous chunk of their earnings.
Also Apple eclipsed Google's entire year's revenue in just the past three months.
BBN/SK/AD-1Feb15-2:30pm (BST)

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