Dhaka, Bangladesh (BBN): The IDLC Finance has informed that Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission (BSEC) vide their letter dated March 27, 2013 accorded consent to IDLC Finance Limited for issuance of Non-Convertible Zero Coupon Bond amounting to BDT 1,500 million only through private placement, said an office disclosure on Thursday.
The consent has been accorded subject to compliance with the relevant laws and regulatory requirements and also adherence to the conditions imposed by BSEC under Section-2CC of the Securities and Exchange Ordinance, 1969. Key features: Issue name: Non-Convertible Zero Coupon Bond, Purpose: to meet ongoing financing requirements, Face Value: BDT 1,500.00 million, Issue Price: BDT 1,219,734,000.00 and Lot Size: BDT 1.00 million.
BBN/BB/AD/29Mar-13-6.36pm (BST).