Kerry anti-IS tour starts in Iraq

Last updated: September 10, 2014

Baghdad, Iraq (BBN)-US Secretary of State John Kerry has landed in Baghdad of Iraq at the start of a Middle East tour to build support for action against Islamic State (IS).
Kerry is due to meet new Iraqi PM Haidar al-Abadi less than 48 hours after a unity government was agreed, reports BBC.
An inclusive government was a condition for greater US and Nato support in the fight against IS militants who have taken over large parts of the country.
President Obama said he had authority to widen military action against IS.
Speaking on Tuesday, Obama said he could do this without approval from Congress, though he would still ask it to approve the arming of Syrian opposition forces.
He is due to address the nation on Wednesday evening.
IS militants have taken over large parts of Syria and Iraq in recent months and have declared a "caliphate".
In the past month, IS militants have beheaded two US journalists in protest against American airstrikes on its forces in Iraq.
Kerry's tour is due to continue in Saudi Arabia and other regional capitals, where he is hoping to boost military, political and financial support for the fight against IS.
He is expected to ask Iraq's Sunni neighbours to show solidarity with Baghdad.
BBN/JF-10Sept14-2:40pm (BST)

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