Major economic indicators of Bangladesh on July 24

Last updated: July 25, 2016

Dhaka, Bangladesh (BBN) - Bangladesh Business News (BBN), the country’s first data provider, publishes economic as well as market data on daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly and annual basis.

The data are collected from both government and private organisations including the Bangladesh Bank (BB), Dhaka Stock Exchange and Bangladesh Foreign Exchange Dealers’ Association (BAFEDA).
Indicators Latest Previous
DSE X Index 4551.07 4553.78
CSE X Index 8517.90 8528.12
Inter-bank US$-BDT rate 78.40 78.40
Inter-bank US$/BDT vol (in m) 34 91
SWAP (in m) 16 68
BC-selling US$-BDT rate 78.7990 78.8048
TT-clean US$-BDT rate 77.7990 77.8048
Money Changers’ US$ rate 80.50-80.60 80.50- 80.60
Inter-bank call money rate 2.5-4.5 2.75 – 4.5
DIBOR 3.6198 3.6541
Forex reserve (in bn) $29.79 $28.80
91-Day BCR 3.9788 3.9379
More data –like weekly call money transaction trend, non-performing loans situation, capital adequacy position and OBU operation –are also available only for the BBN’s registered users. Please contact us through e-mail or for subscription.


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