Dhaka, Bangladesh (BBN)- The Chittagong Water Supply Improvement and Sanitation Project (CWSISP) aims to increase the supply of safe and clean water by constructing selected water production, transmission, distribution and storage facilities in Chittagong.
The project will install selected water treatment plants and the associated transmission and distribution networks to improve water supply in the city, the World Bank said on Tuesday.
The project has initiated the procurement process for engaging contractors to fulfill the requirements of a number of development works including the Modunaghat water treatment plant (WTP).
The preparation of detailed designs and tender documents for remaining major investment activities including transmission pipeline, booster station and priority distribution networks are at an advance stage and procurement processes are about to be initiated. Once completed these are expected to increase water production as well as address the widening gaps between water demand and production in Chittagong.
The Chittagong Water and Sewerage Authority (CWASA) under the Ministry of Local Government, Rural Development and Cooperatives is implementing this project which is funded by the World Bank with an IDA Credit of US$ 157.8 million
A recent review of the implementation progress of the project, focused on identifying key issues, to help improve implementation. In April 2014, the project was restructured with revised and reduced project scope to enable the project to focus on a number of key major activities. It is anticipated that further adjustment of project scope may be needed to allow the project to meet its revised implementation targets.
The project is also supporting the expansion of piped water supply services to selected low income communities through the installation of deep tube-well, distribution lines and household-level connections. Besides, activities related to the modernization of CWASA’s operational systems and processes, as well as the investment planning for sanitation and drainage in Chittagong city are being supported under the project.
Going forward, the Project Management Unit and CWASA establishments at zonal level will need to closely monitor the mobilization, progress and timely completion of development works while ensuring quality of work through adequate contracts supervision on the ground.
BBN/SSR/AD-24June14-1:37 pm (BST)