Moniruzzaman to take responsibility as BB Deputy Governor Sunday

Last updated: December 1, 2016

Dhaka, Bangladesh (BBN) - Newly appointed Deputy Governor of the Bangladesh Bank (BB) S M Moniruzzaman is set to take responsibility on Sunday after completing all official formalities.
The senior-most executive director (ED) of the central bank of Bangladesh Mr. Moniruzzaman has already been appointed deputy governor of the BB for a three-year term, according to officials.
Mr. Moniruzzaman, a career central banker, joined the BB as an assistant director in 1984 through a competitive examination.
He completed his graduation and post-graduation from Eastern Michigan University in the US.
He has been selected for the post of deputy governor in a competitive process, recommended by a high-powered search committee of the Ministry of Finance.
The Bank and Financial Institutions Division (BFID) formed the five-member committee, headed by Qazi Kholiquzzaman Ahmad, to select two deputy governors for the central bank.
Currently, two BB deputy governor posts remain vacant after the government cancelled contractual appointment of Abul Quasem and Nazneen Sultana on March 16.
It happened following the digital heist of foreign exchange reserve from the central bank’s account with the US Federal Reserve Bank in New York on February 4.
The cyber fraud took place through sending a total of 35 transfer orders into the US Federal Reserve, where BB maintains a foreign-exchange account.
Of the 35 transfer orders placed, 30 were blocked. Four transfers to the Philippines bank for a total of $81 million went through. The rest $20 million, transferred to a Sri Lankan non-government organization, was reversed.
The total amount recovered so far stands at $35.25 million after receiving around $15.25 million from the Philippines in the middle of November.
Nearly $20 million of the total amount of $101 million siphoned off was recovered from Sri Lanka shortly after the trans-national cyber-heist.

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