Mother's Day

Mother's Day Special: Five common challenges new moms face!

Last updated: May 10, 2015



New Delhi, India (BBN)-Motherhood is one of the best things that can happen to a woman. Indeed, it is also one of God's greatest gifts to humanity.

Designed by God to nurture, mothers are also designed to self-sacrifice biologically. She is a mother, housekeeper, cook, nurse, disciplinarian and most of all - a counselor to her kids. She would forgive them with a sweet kiss on their foreheads no matter how many mistakes they make in life, reports Zee News.

While the sweet phase of motherhood has no boundaries, being a mom is hard and is even harder for first time mothers.

Here are a few common challenges that new moms face -


One of the toughest things that a new mother faces right after the childbirth is struggling to feed her newborn baby. Many troubles such as painful feedings, lack of milk generation, baby not latching, discomfort during/after feeding, can arise. It takes time and practice to get it right.


If you have trouble breastfeeding, seek guidance immediately to reduce the probability of long-term issues.


This is another common issue that new moms face in the first six months as most babies usually sleep during the day and not in the night. Your sleep is disrupted as the baby wakes up every hour or cries in the middle of the night. Lack of sleep can cause tiredness, fatigue, depression, memory problems and confusion.

To manage this problem, seek support from family and get a nap whenever possible.


That svelte trim figure has been replaced with the baby fat you gained during pregnancy. You stop watching TV as you're bombarded by images of those celebrity moms who look stunning as ever before.

It can take a while for your body to get back to your pre-pregnancy size. But, you don't have to be hyper-focused on losing weight or upset. Think positive and take up some light exercises or yoga. Also, going to a new moms' strollercise class is a great idea while slimming down.


You're confused about returning to your job: Considering the tough challenges that you are going through at the moment and will be experiencing in days ahead, for mothers, particularly, those who have to work to meet their needs, the decision can be an agonising one. Because leaving the newborn behind and going to work can make you feel guilty.

Reaching out to other moms who are facing the same issues can be of great help. Consider, talking to your employer for a flexible shift for first few months. And of course, you can always decide and make a change if things are not working.


The arrival of the newborn comes with a whole new to-do list for new parents. Many moms find it impossible to take time out for themselves because raising a baby is a full time job.

Seek help from your partner or other members of the family and take some time out to do something fun for yourself. It is also important that the household responsibilities are shared by both the parents. This will also help build a strong, committed relationship between the couple through the transition to parenthood.


Remembering these hurdles that your mom went through while nurturing you when you were an infant, show your mom how much she means to you this 'Mother's Day'. We can never repay our mom, but we can thank her in a special way for all she has done for us.

Mother's Day is celebrated every year on the second Sunday of May.


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