‘No foreign role’ in Bangkok bomb

‘No foreign role’ in Bangkok bomb

Last updated: August 20, 2015

Thailand, Bangkok (BBN)-Monday's bombing in Thailand was "unlikely" to have been the work of an international terror group, the Thai government has said.
Col Winthai Suvaree, a spokesman for the ruling military junta, said this was the preliminary conclusion reached by investigators, reports BBC.
The attack on the Erawan Shrine in central Bangkok on Monday evening killed 20 people and injured scores.
Police say that at least 10 people are suspected of involvement in the attack.
Thai authorities say that from their discussions with intelligence agencies from allied countries, they believe the attack is not linked to international terrorism, the BBC's Jonathan Head reports from Bangkok.
That leaves the possibility that it was carried out by local perpetrators, although there is no group in Thailand with a track record that suggests their involvement, our correspondent says.
The attack could also have been the work of a hitherto unknown group.
An arrest warrant has been issued for one unidentified man seen on CCTV footage leaving a backpack at the shrine shortly before the blast.
A reward of one million baht ($28,000; £17,950) has been offered for information leading to the main suspect's arrest.
However, there are indications he was driven to the airport after the attack and may well have fled.
The Hindu shrine is popular with Buddhist and Chinese tourists, but the spokesman said authorities did not believe Chinese people had been the "direct target" of the attack.
Most of the victims of Monday's attack were Thai, but nationals from China, Hong Kong, the UK, Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore were among the foreigners killed.

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