Qatar to deposit $1.8b with Bangladesh’s central bank

Last updated: December 4, 2012
Dhaka, Bangladesh (BBN) - Qatar has agreed to deposit US$1.8 billion with the Bangladesh Bank (BB), a central bank announcement said. 
“On Monday Dr. Atiur Rahman Governor, Bangladesh Bank had a meeting with acting Governor of Qatar Central Bank Mr. Faisal-al Thani and agreed in principle to deposit US$1.8 billion with Bangladesh Bank at terms to be decided by a technical committee of both Central Banks,” it noted.
Bangladesh Bank has already given Qatar Central Bank a draft memorandum of understanding (MoU) which is now being examined.  Hopes Bangladesh Bank will send a technical team early next year. 
Qatar also wanted to recruit some experts from Bangladesh for advising their central bank. The governor of Bangladesh Bank agreed to give this support, according to the announcement.
BBN/SSR/AD-04Dec12-11:10 am (BST) 
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