US Election 2016: Donald Trump softens stance on Muslim ban

Russia denies 'compromising' Trump claim

Last updated: January 11, 2017

Washington, US (BBN) - The Kremlin has denied claims that Russian intelligence agencies have obtained compromising material about Donald Trump.
The Kremlin spokesman said the allegations were "pulp fiction" and a "clear attempt to damage relations".
The unsubstantiated claims say Russia has information about the US president-elect involving prostitutes, reports BBC.
They also say his presidential campaign secretly communicated with Moscow.
Trump has condemned the reports.
Without referring to the stories, the president-elect tweeted:
Trump is due to hold a news conference on Wednesday, nine days before he takes office.
It was meant to be about his attempts to separate himself from his business commitments, to address concerns about conflicts of interest.
But it now comes at an awkward time for the Republican president-elect.
US intelligence agencies last week released an unclassified report saying Russia ran a hacking campaign to influence the US presidential elections.
Separate, unverified reports circulating in US media now say Moscow has damaging information about the president-elect's business interests and salacious video evidence of his private life.
The US intelligence agencies reportedly presented the information to the president-elect, to President Barack Obama and to congressional leaders.
They were said to be attached to a wider classified report into alleged interference by Russia into the US election.
But there has been nothing said publicly by the US intelligence community to support these unsubstantiated claims.
A two-page synopsis of allegations was attached to a classified US report into alleged Russian hacking, CNN first reported.
This was shown to Trump, President Obama and some members of congressional intelligence committees.
Key documents were said to have been compiled for his political enemies by a former British intelligence agent, CNN and the New York Times say.
Past work by this operative was considered by US intelligence to be credible, the reports add.
The original intention was to derail Trump's candidacy, they say.
The allegations began circulating in political and media circles in recent weeks.
Neither CNN or the New York Times have been able to verify the key content of the documents.
In recent weeks, Trump has been under pressure to concur with the findings of US spy agencies who say Russia was behind the hacking of Democratic Party emails during the presidential campaign.
They say the order came from the Kremlin to sway the election for Trump and away from his Democratic opponent, Hillary Clinton.
But so far he has failed to explicitly agree with the conclusions of the intelligence services.
And he has condemned those who oppose good relations with Russia as "fools".
Russia has denied any involvement in the hacks and accused the US of conducting a witch hunt.

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