New Delhi, India (BBN)-The benchmark BSE Sensex dipped below the 28,000 mark by plummeting over 315 points in early trade on Monday as funds and investors indulged in reducing exposures amid weak cues from other Asian markets as Greek voters have rejected more austerity demands from creditors.
The 30-share index cracked the 28,000 mark by tumbling 315.21 points to 27,777.58, reports the Press Trust of India.
The National Stock Exchange index Nifty slipped below the 8,400 mark by falling 98.75 points to 8,386.15.
All the sectoral indices, led by oil & gas, FMCG, healthcare and realty, were trading in the negative zone, falling up to 1.32 per cent.
Among other Asian markets, Hong Kong’s Hang Seng index plunged over 3 per cent, while Japan’s Nikkei index was trading 1.58 per cent down in early trade.
The US Dow Jones industrial average ended 0.16 per cent lower in Friday’s trade.