New Delhi, India (BBN)-The benchmark BSE Sensex recovered over 118 points to regain the 25,000-mark in early trade largely on Tuesday on the back of value-buying in select blue-chip stocks amid mixed Asian cues.
The 30-share barometer recaptured the 25,000-level by rising 118.37 points or 0.47 per cent to 25,012.18 with realty, banking, metal, PSU and power sector stocks leading the recovery, reports PTI.
The gauge had lost 870.97 points in the previous two sessions.
Also, the NSE Nifty recovered by 38.35 points or 0.50% to 7,597.15.
Brokers said emergence of buying by participants at prevailing levels and sustained buying by domestic financial institutions, supported the market.
Besides, a mixed trend in cautious trading at other Asian bourses ahead of Chinese trade data influenced sentiments, they said.
Among other Asian markets, Shanghai composite Index was down 1.12 per cent, Hong Kong's Hang Seng was trading up by 0.11 per cent, while Japan's Nikkei fell by 0.76 per cent in early trade.