Mumbai, India (BBN)-The benchmark BSE Sensex rose over 64 points to trade above the 26,000-mark in early trade on Friday on increased buying by investors as the December derivatives series began on a positive note.
The 30-share Sensex, which has gained 182.89 points in the previous session, advanced by 64.11 points or 0.24 per cent to 26,022.74, reports the PTI.
Realty, capital goods, auto, banking and metal sectoral indices of BSE were in the positive zone, gaining up to 0.64 per cent.
Also, the NSE Nifty reclaimed crucial 7,900-level by surging 26.80 points, or 0.33 per cent, to 7,910.60.
Brokers said building-up of fresh positions by participants, following beginning of the December month F&O series helped Sensex rising, but a weak trend at other Asian markets on disappointing Japanese data capped the gains.
Among other Asian markets, Japan’s Nikkei shed 0.25 per cent, Shanghai Composite index fell 1.17 per cent while Hong Kong’s Hang Seng was down 1.05 per cent in early trade.
The US markets were closed on Thursday for the Thanksgiving Day holiday.