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Dhaka, Bangladesh (BBN) – The Bangladesh Business News prepared Sunday’s midday business round up compiling reports, published by different local and international newspapers and news portals.
Bangladesh’s forex reserve falls to $32.48bn after ACU payment
Bangladesh has made a routine payment of US$1.02 billion to the Asian Clearing Union (ACU) against imports during the May–June period of the current calendar year, officials said.
Bangladesh’s stocks stay positive at midday on Sunday
Bangladesh’s stocks stay positive at midday on Sunday as optimistic investors continued their buying binge on sector specific stocks.
Call money rates declining mode, BDT/US$ remains stable
The inter-bank call money rates witnessed a declining mode while the exchange rate of Bangladesh Taka (BDT) against the US dollar remained stable in early hour transactions on Sunday.
This is the reason oil could jump up to $120 a barrel, expert says
Oil supply could easily be threatened by geopolitical risks, and such a disruption could cause oil prices to skyrocket, experts tell CNBC.
Oil and retail send a warning
There are two important areas of the market that have historically been good leading indicators of the strength, or weakness, of the markets and the economy. Oil and retail.