Dhaka, Bangladesh (BBN) – The exchange rate of Bangladesh Taka (BDT) against the US dollar remained stable in evening transactions on Thursday in inter-bank foreign exchange (forex) market.
The US dollar was quoted at BDT 79.20 at the evening transaction unchanged from the level of previous working day.
“The higher demand for the greenback still remained in the market for settlement of import-payment obligations and for that reason the Bangladesh currency will depreciate further against the US dollar in the coming days,” a senior treasury official of a leading commercial bank told the BBN in Dhaka Thursday evening.
On Tuesday, the US dollar was quoted at maximum BDT 79.18 – BDT 79.20 during the evening trading which was BDT 79.14 – BDT 79.15 on Monday.
On Sunday, the greenback was quoted at BDT 79.15.
The US dollar was quoted at maximum BDT 79.12 – BDT 79.14 on the last working day of the last week.