Tanners fix prices of cowhide fixed at BDT 50, goat BDT 20

Last updated: September 9, 2016

Dhaka, Bangladesh (BBN)- Bangladesh’s tanners have fixed the price of raw cowhide at BDT 50 per square foot in the capital while the price of goatskins at TBDT 20 per square foot.
They will buy cowhide with salt at maximum BDT 40 per square foot outside of Dhaka while the price of goatskins has been fixed at BDT 20 and for 'Baqra' goat at BDT 15.
Mohiuddin Mahmud Mahin, chairman of Bangladesh Finished Leather, Leathergoods and Footwear Exporters' Association (BFLLFEA), declared the prices of hides of sacrificial animals ahead of Eid-ul-Azha at a press conference at a city hotel on Friday.
BFLLFEA, Bangladesh Tanners Association (BTA) and Bangladesh Hide and Skin Merchants Association (BHSMA) jointly declared the prices of rawhides during the upcoming Eid.
Shahin Ahmed, president of the BTA, said this year the prices of hides have been reduced 10 per cent than that of previous year due to 35 per cent price fall in the global market.
In last year, he said, the price of per square foot cow hide was BDT 50-55 in Dhaka and BDT 40-45 outside of Dhaka while the price of per square foot goat hide was BDT 20-22, per square foot 'Baqra goat' was BDT 15-17 and for buffalo hide was BDT 35-40.

The Eid-ul-Azha will be observed across the country on September 13.



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