Dhaka, Bangladesh (BBN)- Thailand quoted rice prices nearly unchanged at US$404/tonne and continue to persist above other Asian exporters amid a strong baht.
Indian quotes remained low at $375/tonne, while Pakistani quotes rose to $372/tonne, according to the latest update on global rice prices, released by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) on Tuesday.
Meanwhile, Vietnam quotes fell steeply to $337/ton, due to the lower quality new-crop and abundant supplies.
Export quotes from the Western Hemisphere remained elevated over the past month, with U.S. quotes dropping slightly to $505/tonne while Uruguayan quotes remained higher at $528/tonne.
Western Hemisphere quotes remain well above those from Asian suppliers, it added.
On the other hand, global production is raised this month based on larger crops in India, Russia, and Ukraine.
Global trade is nearly unchanged with higher imports for Indonesia partially offset by lower imports for Vietnam.
Exports are projected higher for Russia and Ukraine, but lower for Australia and the European Union.
The U.S. season-average farm price is raised $0.40 to $5.10 per bushel.