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Tuesday’s morning business round up of Bangladesh

Last updated: September 15, 2015

Dhaka, Bangladesh (BBN) - The BBN has prepared the morning business round up compiling reports, published by different newspapers and news portals in Bangladesh.

$1.7b project to train workers
The government yesterday formally launched a $1.7 billion project to train 2.6 lakh workers and mid-level managers in different sectors over the next five years. “We have taken up this project as we will not be able to achieve our planned development goals without improving the skills of the workers and mid-level managers,” Finance Minister AMA Muhith said at the launch of the project. The Skills for Employment and Investment Programme will mostly be financed by the Asian Development Bank, with the government providing $200 million.

Country’s BoP position buoyant at start of FY 16
The overall balance-of-payments (BoP) position of the country looked buoyant at the start of this fiscal year (FY) with a significant improvement in the first month from a tenuous condition. According to the central bank's latest statistics, released Monday, the BoP rose to US$1.04 billion in July from only US$477 million in the same period of the previous fiscal.

Businesses seek VAT withdrawal on trade licence fees, fee cut
Business leaders from different trade bodies have demanded withdrawal of value-added tax on trade licence fees and reduction in the fees to rational level. A delegation led by Federation of Bangladesh Chambers of Commerce and Industry acting president Shafiul Islam Mohiuddin placed the demands to Local Government Division secretary Abdul Malek on Sunday, according to a statement issued by the FBCCI on Monday.

Bangladesh’s stocks continue gaining streak
Bangladesh’s stocks witnessed gaining streak on Monday for the third sessions in a row as the investors went for buying binge on large-cap stocks. Both the Dhaka Stock Exchange, the key bourse of the country, and the Chittagong Stock Exchange, the port city bourse of Bangladesh, recorded gain at opening and continued the trend throughout the session.

Income Tax Fair 2015 kicks off tomorrow
Income Tax Fair-2015 begins tomorrow (Wednesday) across the country to encourage more people pay their income taxes regularly. Industries Minister Tofail Ahmed will inaugurate the fair at the premises of the Officers’ Club in the capital. The National Revenue Board (NBR) is organising the fair from September 16 to 22 simultaneously at all the divisional and district headquarters.

WITHDRAWAL OF BANNED MEDICINES: Half of 30 cos yet to report
Fifteen of the 30 companies, who got the registration of their brands of three generic drugs cancelled, were yet to submit report on withdrawal of the brands from the market, while most of the rest 15 reported that they were in the process of withdrawal. Directorate General of Drug Administration officials said a drive began on September 9 to see whether the 50 banned brands of the three generics were selling in the market across the country.
Bangladesh money market transactions rise ahead of Eid

Overall turnover in the inter-bank money market increased

Overall turnover in the inter-bank money market increased continuously ahead of the Eid-ul-Azha festival while the call money rates remain unchanged, officials said. The turnover in the market rose to BDT 57.77 on Sunday from BDT 57.23 billion of the previous working day. It was BDT 56.21 on Wednesday last.

Dhaka, KL to tap private agencies in labour hiring
Dhaka and Kuala Lumpur have agreed to integrate private recruiters with the existing G to G (government to government) arrangement to speed up manpower recruitment from Bangladesh. As part of the step, a Memorandum of Understanding on G to G-plus will be signed today (Tuesday), said expatriates' welfare minister Nurul Islam.




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