Tuesday’s morning business round up of Bangladesh

Last updated: July 28, 2020

Dhaka, Bangladesh (BBN) - The BBN (Bangladesh Business News) has prepared the morning business round up compiling reports, published by different newspapers and news portals in Bangladesh.

Japan to dispense $1.0b in budget aid

Bangladesh for the first time is expected to secure US$1.0 billion worth of budget support from Japan next week. The support would help the government weather the impact of the COVID-19 on the economy, officials said on Monday. The Ministry of Finance officials said they are likely to sign a loan deal with the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) on August 5 in Dhaka.

Fish farmers Tk 220 crore poorer for flood

A deluge of missed calls greeted me as I glanced over my phone in late afternoon on Saturday. They were all from the same unknown number. Puzzled and perturbed, I called back the number only to be accosted by a muffled, indecipherable voice.

Remittance hits record high in July

The monthly inflow of remittance hit an all-time high in July ahead of Eid-ul-Adha, with the figure reaching almost $2 billion in the first three weeks. According to data from the Bangladesh Bank, the country received $1.96 billion in remittance from expatriates from July 1 to 23.

Small enterprises to get up to Tk 50 lakh in loans without collateral

Bangladesh Bank on Monday launched a credit guarantee scheme for the cottage, micro and small enterprises allowing banks to issue up to Tk 50 lakh in collateral-free loans from the stimulus package to the CMSs. A BB circular issued on the day said that guarantees against CMS loans ranging from Tk 2 lakh to Tk 50 lakh would be issued under the scheme.

Gold hits record, gets more precious as dollar loses value

Gold hurtled to record peaks on Tuesday before the sheer scale of its gains drew a burst of profit taking, which lifted the dollar from two-year lows and curbed early equity gains. The precious metal had stormed almost $40 higher at one point to reach $1,980 an ounce only for a wave of selling to slap it back to $1,947 in wild trade.

Bangladesh’s stocks gain further

Bangladesh’s stocks kept the gaining streak for the second consecutive session on Monday as the buoyant investors continued their appetite on large-cap issues amid optimism. DSEX, the key index of the Dhaka Stock Exchange, went up by 16.30 points or 0.39 per cent to settle at 4,145 during the four hours trading.

Indian transhipped goods to pay Tk 2 a tonne in road fee

Dhaka has decided to charge Tk 2 per tonne per kilometre in road usage fees for Indian goods that would be transshipped using Bangladesh's territory, officials said. New Delhi has not consented to the proposal of the communications ministry of Bangladesh yet and has rather requested Dhaka to slash the rates.

Transactions of call money rise ahead of Eid

Demand for call money has increased slightly ahead of Eid-ul-Azha, the second largest religious festivals of the Muslims, as banks and non-bank financial institutions are facing increased cash withdrawal, said Bangladesh Bank officials. Banks and NBFIs on Sunday transected Tk 9,519.33 crore among them at the call money market, up by Tk 187.46 crore than the total transactions on Thursday.


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