Two journos hurt in attacks by ‘Hefajat men’

Last updated: April 6, 2013
Dhaka, Bangladesh (BBN)- Two journalists were injured in attacks allegedly by Hefajat-e Islam activists in the capital Dhaka on Saturday afternoon.
The injured journalists are: Nadira Sharmin, 24, a crime reporter of Ekushey TV, and Sujan, 28, photographer of the Daily Ittefaq.
The attacks took place when a post-long march grand rally of Hefajat was going on at Motijheel Shapla Chattar.
Dhaka Medical College Hospital (DMCH) sources said a group of alleged Hefajat workers beat up Nadira near Jatiya Party office at Bijoynagar, while Sujan came under attack at Paltan crossing.
They were rushed to the DMCH.
BBN/SSR/AD-06Apr13-8:50 pm (BST) 
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