Western Union's agents form largest network in Bangladesh

Last updated: July 12, 2012
Dhaka, Bangladesh (BBN) - Western Union's agents now form the largest international remittance network in Bangladesh by exceeding a record 12,000 agent locations across the country.
Four leading banks -- Agrani, Islami, NCC and Uttara -- have recently become Western Union's agents, bringing a total of 2,000 additional locations to the network, a company statement said.
Consumers in Bangladesh can now receive Western Union's money transfer facilities from abroad across all 64 districts and 509 upazilas (sub-districts) in Bangladesh, from Teknaf to Tentulia.
Some agent locations are open beyond traditional nine-to-five business hours and on weekends.
“Through our 12,000 locations operated by 20 principal bank agents in Bangladesh, Western Union serves the Bangladeshis who receive money from family and loved ones working and living overseas,” said Patricia Riingen, senior vice president (East and South Asia) of Western Union.
“Western Union has been bringing the world to Bangladesh for 18 years, connecting it with a global network of 500,000 agent locations in more than 200 countries and territories, providing coverage of countries popular with the six million Bangladeshis abroad.”
In 2011, Western Union transferred money into Bangladesh from 165 countries, up from 61 in 2004.
Western Union also launched a new mobile phone-based money transfer service early this year with Dhaka Bank and Banglalink, enabling consumers in Bangladesh to receive money directly and instantly into their mobile wallets.
Globally Western Union recorded revenue of $5.5 billion in 2011, an increase of 6 percent compared to 2010, and this is the highest full year growth since 2008.
BBN/SSR/AD-12July12-10:22 am (BST) 
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