New Delhi, India (BBN)-Keeping safety in mind, the Central Industrial Security Force (CISF) has permitted women to carry small knives while travelling in metro trains.
“Women will now be permitted to carry knives that are less than four inches long. We realised that small knives are not a threat to security but required by women for their protection,” said a senior CISF officer, reports The Hindu.
The agency has also decided to allow lighters and matchboxes in metro trains, as hundreds of these items are seized from passengers daily during screening.
However, one passenger will be allowed to carry only one lighter or matchbox.
Certain tools have also been struck off from the list of items restricted from being carried in metro trains.
The decision was taken after labourers frequently complained of inconvenience caused to them while travelling in metros.
CISF officials will, however, maintain a register of the tools so that their owners can be contacted if required.
The order permitting these items in metro trains was issued by the CISF last September after reviewing the security threat posed by each of them.