World Bank to return to Burma

Last updated: April 27, 2012
Washington, DC (BBN)- The World Bank (WB) will open an official in Burma, officially known as Myanmar, in early June this year aiming to help the people of East Asian country.
“In early June, we will be opening an office in Myanmar, which will be led by a new country manager. Also in June, I’ll be travelling to Myanmar to gain a firsthand assessment of the situation. The vice presidents of our private sector arm, IFC and our insurance arm, MIGA, will join me on that visit,” World Bank Vice President for East Asia, Pamela Cox said in a statement on Thursday.
The World Bank is assessing the investment climate to help investors determine their best options for doing business – which will lead to greater economic activity and jobs for the people of Myanmar.
“As you’re aware, we have re-engaged with the government in Myanmar, with the aim of supporting reforms that will benefit all the people of Myanmar, especially the poor and vulnerable,” the World Bank vice president noted.
BBN/SI/AD-27Apr12-11:40 pm (BST)
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